Last Friday night's excitement has calmed down, gradually being pushed aside by a growing interest and flashes of inspiration for our next challenge. I wanted to play with another hand-carved stamp again, so I looked through my photos of the
Ladd & Bush Bank's architecture. I decided to experiment with this image:
My selected architectural motif |
Cropped: a smaller section to work with |
I opened the cropped image, rotated and resized it in
PhotoShop Elements, then applied different filters. The one I liked best was under
Sketch, called
[Reticulation: an arrangement resembling a net or network
(in photography, reticulation is the process of fracturing the film for creative effect).]
The reticulated image |
I printed out the reticulated image and darkened the lines with a fine-point marker (left, below) to make it easier to trace onto tracing paper (middle, below). The traced image was placed face-down on a Speedy-cut block. I re-drew the lines on the back of the tracing paper, which transferred the markings to the block. With linocutting tools, I cut/carved the image into the block (right, below).
Three steps of the process |
A sponge brush was used to put a thin layer of fabric paint on the carved stamp, then the design was stamped onto fabric and heat-set with an iron after the paint dried. Here are a couple of samples I stamped:
Image stamped onto fabric |
The architectural motif I began with has been slightly morphed into a more abstract design. Now I have to decide if I like it enough to use it, and if so, how to use it in a 12" x 18" design challenge. This is the incubation period, a time to be patient and not to make a rushed, forced decision.