Poor, neglected blog! It hasn't been given the attention it deserves, and there's work by members of the
Fiberexplorations group that needs to be celebrated here.
Through late spring and into summer, members shared their finished pieces for the
UFO Challenge (Unfinished Objects, that is). We each chose one piece from our piles of unfinished projects and vowed to finish it. To be truthful, the excitement level for this challenge was relatively low, which is probably normal. How many of us have projects that were set aside to finish
later, but
later never came? In many cases, that was because the initial enthusiasm for that project waned, and it's hard to get that back once it's gone.
Here's a beautifully-embellished wallhanging that Nancy finished:
Nancy's wallhanging |
detail of Nancy's UFO Challenge piece |
detail, embellishments |
Plumeria (though still in progress) is an original design based on a photograph she took:
"Plumeria" by Lisa |
"Plumeria," detail |