Well, hello there!
What's with this shark? Actually, it's just a little teaser that I'll talk about later. I just realized that I never mentioned my Del. vacation and any art inspiration I soaked up while there. Because I've already decided on today's topic, I'll save the shark story for next time. No worries -- none of us was bitten; we didn't even see a shark, though we did find ourselves stranded on an island near the end of our trip. There was a storm at sea, a strong nor'easter blowin', and an unusually high tide.
Check back in a few days for those, and more stories!
Q: Can one find art inspiration by going to a baseball game?
A: Of course! You just have to keep your eyes open. Inspiration is everywhere.
I had the unexpected honor of being invited to a Mariners game last Sat. night with my son, Max (20). Well, I wasn't exactly his first choice . . . she couldn't go because she was called in to work at the last minute. But he could've invited a friend, or even his dad, but he chose me, so I went. They lost to the Yankees by an embarrassing amount that I can't remember, nor do I want to.
I did get to see that very cute Alex Rodriguez, who was booed throughout the game by his former Seattle fans. (He sold out for big bucks and went to Texas several years ago and is now with the Yankees.) I asked Max why Alex no longer had a cute butt (he's used to his mom's weird questions), and his answer was that Alex's now-flat butt is his natural one. The one I formerly admired was acquired by his use of steroids. After hearing that, I was no longer the sole Seattle fan cheering for A-Rod.
What's the link here to art quilts?
On the drive to Seattle, along I-5 near Tacoma, I noticed the concrete retaining walls along the freeway. They weren't the solid blank ones you'd see around here, but were stamped with interesting designs. Possible quilt designs. I whipped out my handy digital camera and snapped a shot to refer to later.
I wonder who had the creative idea to include a design on these walls?
Chris, a member of the Fiberexplorations group, has been challenging herself to take 20 photos a day. She said she's enjoying it on many levels and has noticed that she's paying much more attention to details now. Like the drawing student, she's learning to SEE as an artist SEES. Life is full of details; we just have to train ourselves to slow down and pay attention to them. Practice, practice, practice.
One thing at a time. Pay attention. Be mindful. "Multi-tasking" is NOT a worthy goal for me to cultivate. Mindfulness is. Take time to SEE.