Discharging and replacing color with Decolourant Plus, using lime, red, and a bit of purple in the center. |
I'm having so much fun NOT sewing! What I mean is . . . well, I intend to sew very soon, but first I had to make some interesting fabric. (Not enough in my stash???)
I was playing with a new product from the Stitchin' Post in Sisters, OR that both DISCHARGES and ADDS color all at once! It's called Decolourant Plus "Color Replacer for Fabric and Papers." It's much safer than using bleach, doesn't degrade your fabric, and comes in a 4-pack. My set included 3 bottles of discharge-and-color: lime, red, and purple.
Again, on black fabric |
The 4th bottle contained no color; it was just the discharging ingredient. I added some turquoise paint to it and stamped these:
Plain DeColourant with turquoise paint added |
On my own hand-dyed gray and turquoise fabric |
The last piece was a combo - plain with a tiny bit of lime (looks kind of yellow) in the upper left, and simply plain discharge in the upper right (using a self-carved stamp in both those areas):
A bit of overprinting |
All the above were commercial stamps, except the hand-carved stamp shown above.
The next challenge is to cut the stamped images apart and arrange in a wall quilt. Simmer, ideas, simmer!
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