What a long overdue post! I was lucky enough to participate in two fabric dyeing retreats this month. The first was with members of the Fiberexplorations group. It was hosted by Nancy at her beautiful ridgetop property in Gates, OR (a.k.a.
Gateway to the Cascades), where we had a huge studio to play in.
Teresa, me, Nancy, Kathleen, and Lisa |
Though we'd planned to do a variety of dyeing methods, everyone enjoyed ice-dyeing so much that we pretty much stuck with that.
These colorful kids' sand buckets and matching-sized
colanders from the dollar store worked best! |
We strung two lengths of clothesline to hang our dyed fabrics on, which made a colorful statement against the backdrop of the darker woods.
Lisa stamped this fabric with Dawn dishwashing detergent,
which acted as a light resist when dyed. |
Teresa's stunning results, even as a first-time dyer! |
After dinner on our first night, we took a walking tour of neighboring Mill City and watched the Santiam River pass under the town's bridge. We had some other adventures that probably shouldn't be reported here. It involved fire trucks (but no fire).
Mill City bridge |
The happy dyers: Kathleen, Lisa, Nancy, me, Teresa |
Thanks for hosting us, Nancy! We can't wait to do it again next summer.
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